Who is Royal River Chorus?


Enriching. Empowering. Life-Changing. Fun.
Barbershop, an original American art form, is a four-part (tenor, lead, baritone, bass) a cappella harmony style of singing famous for its "ringing" chords, which produce overtones that sound like fifth notes.

Sing. Learn. Connect. Sparkle.
Royal River is one of a 500-strong worldwide family of barbershop choruses that women join for the love of a capella singing and stay forever because of friendships formed and a depth of support that can't be found elsewhere.

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Visit us anytime


Royal River Chorus is more than just an a cappella ensemble; it is a family. We love getting together each week, and sharing friendships as well as great music.

If you like to sing, you're invited to visit Royal River Chorus and discover what we have to offer! Sitting in on one of our rehearsals is the perfect way to find out more about us, and what we can do for you! 

We rehearse every Thursday evening 6:30-9:00pm. Contact membership@royalriverchorus.org for more info.

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Want Us to sing at your next function?

Why not hire Royal River Chorus to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community Entertainment events, birthday parties, christmas parties, awards nights, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, and even funerals and memorial services.

Check out our music

From traditional barbershop arrangements to contemporary a cappella, we perform music from a variety of genres and decades in a variety of formats. We prefer to harmonize side by side with our sisters in song, but when the pandemic hit we wanted to keep our music alive and even experimented with a virtual chorus performance or two. Now, we have a new skill we plan to use again and again! Take a look, and more importantly a listen to our music below.